1. Click on the top right profile picture, then click User Management.
This displays a list of users and their information with action links to add, edit, or delete each user.
Go to Step 2 to add a user.
Go to Step 4 to edit a user's information.
Go to Step 6 to delete a user.
2. Click on the Add New User button on the top right.
Once you click on the button, a page displays with the required fields to add a new user.
3. Enter the new users First Name, Last Name, Email Address (twice to confirm the address), and Phone Number, then click the Invite Now button.
Once you click on the button, the new user receives an invitation email to join Sports Travel HQ. After verifying the account, the new user appears on your user list page.
4. Click on the Edit link next to the user data you want to update.
5. Enter the new information for the field or fields that need to be updated, then click the Update button to save the changes.
6. Click on the Delete link next to the user you would like to remove from your list.
7. Make sure you want to delete the user before clicking on the OK button. Once you confirm that you want to delete the user in the popup window, you cannot recover that user's information.